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Owen Oracle

Owen Oracle
Sunday Thoughts

Sis. Strong spoke in church today. Her words made me think about how grateful I am for so many blessings....She spoke about a trip Elder Ballard took with some very wealthy businessmen. They were consumed with making money and acquiring more and more wealth, but in their conversations did not express any joy from family relationships, etc.
As Dad and I have been thinking about another house we have basically said it needs to be comfortable for the two of us, but also that it needs to be welcoming to our family members when they and their little ones come home to visit. As I listened to Sis. Strong's talk and thought about what Dad and I had talked about I thought it interesting that we had not really cared alot about having an extra large house (too much work) filled with lots of needless things, what we have talked about from the very beginning is how well it would work for our FAMILY.
Sis. Strong quoted Matt: 6:19-21..."Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where theives break through and steal.
But lay up for yourselves treaures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where theives do not break through and steal.
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

You all are my treasure. How grateful I am for you.

PS Thanks for your show of support of Dad in his new calling. He is feeling the weight of it but is rising to the challenge.


New Post

I have put up some pictures of my new gentleman friend and me on my blog so check it out.


I just wanted to make a comment about Dad's kind words regarding my schooling. He has been nothing but supportive the whole time. There have been several ocassions when he was left to his own devices but kept smiling and never complained about picking up the slack. What a blessing! Thanks for all the encouraging words. I'll keep trying to do my best.