Post all the goings-on here, use the following as a guide: -Academia -9 to 5 News -Grandkids Corner -Sports Shorts -Freetime Follies -Heavenly Highlights -We will also welcome good recipes, book reviews and the inside review on any good movies.


Here is the last of where we are so far...

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Here are a few more pics of the demo.


Here are the in progress pics of the demo effort! We took out four walls and a closet as well as the stone off the fireplace. Small addition on the front of the house. Most of the kitchen is out, the rest will be out soon. Then we will really be camping!!! Try to guess what room you are in.

Owen Home Upon Arrival July 2007

We left Maple Lane and moved to Dallas Circle in Marietta earlier this year. Here is how it looked when we arrived.
